понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

business process outsourcing market size

You make bitch assumptions.


Anyways, school was good except for Native American Lit and Spanish. So I should say American Lit was good.

Work...got paid to talk about The Scarlet Letter for an hour. I love my job.

This was a moment that I thought was fun today in Spanish. However, it will not be funny or interesting to outside readers.

*A girl talks about why she hated her last camping trip. In Spanish. She says that her family "comieron sus comidas" or something. Carl looks at me and says:

"Her family ate all of her food."
"I know thatapos;s why I said apos;what?apos;"


I need to graduate ASAP. I canapos;t tolerate this late night class any longer.


I got my hair cut this weekend, but I donapos;t really care for it. I am, however, shocked by how short my hair has slowly gotten over the past few years. I just kept cutting more and more and one day I realized how little was left compared to my younger years.

This day has been boring for the most part. Night.
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central executive london office space

So Iapos;ve been hearing a lot of rave about the results you get from the MAster Cleanse, and I have about decided I need to try it for myself, just cause Iapos;m a glutton for punishment I suppose, I know Iapos;ll be totally miserable the whole time, cramps and bathroom use, but I just keep thinking of all that stuff thatapos;s backed up in me and I want it out�They say you can have waster from like years ago in there, ewww. I�must be pure. I thought I would see whatapos;s more "gentle" so to speak though for the flush, so if youapos;ve tried the master cleanse what did you use? Seal salt flush or laxative tea? And how did it treat you? Iapos;ve never used either, I use flaxseed oil, epsome salt if Iapos;m desperate, and my diet pills do the rest usually, but as of late theyapos;re not working very well, I think I need to up the dosage. Idk. Anyways, advice would be welcome on the lax thing, since�none of my current methods�are listed on the diet. I really want to follow this to a tee.

Hope everyone is doing well today�:)

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

fox river valley

so yesterday was my last day at the beach store. thank fucking god i mean, i loved working there, and i loved the people i worked for and the people i worked with, but it was getting old, ya know? it was time for change, definitely. Yeah, so my last day was shit. Every single fucking female that came in was rude and snappy. My favorite one though, was this lady who came in with about four 14 year olds. She asked me where she could find a porta-potty. I told her where to go, and about 10 minutes later she came back and said really fucking bitchy "i donapos;t know WHAT�porta-potty YOUapos;RE talking about, but there ISNapos;T one over there" i was like "donapos;t get snappy with me there IS one over there, iapos;m sorry you couldnapos;t find it." i was pissed, but now that i think back on it, itapos;s funny. I love the fact that i can be a bitch if i want to there. My boss doesnapos;t care at all. He says that if people deserve it,�then fine. Ha, i love him. After work my mom and i went to rockland just for something to do. We were gonna go�to a party, but decided against it. My feet were killing me, and neither of us really were in the mood to party. Anyway,�while we were in rockland we saw anthony in wal-mart AND�shaws. He looked at my mom and said hi to her, but i donapos;t remember even seeing him look at me. I donapos;t fucking care. :]

lets see. Work today at MRC�was alright. nikki and i bitched about everyone and everything. It was great. Weapos;re so, so mean when we get together. Ha, i fucking love it. Weapos;re probably the biggest bitches ever. I didnapos;t do a single dish today which made me happy considering the last few sundays iapos;ve done ALL of them. Fucking, ERR. OH this girl came in for public skate and she was a fucking CUNT and a half to nikki and i. We were NICE to her, and she was just stuck up and rude towards us. Nikki and i were talking to each other about how funny it would be if she fell down and got hurt on the ice. guess what? she fell down and had to go to the ER. Karmas a bitch, hunny. ;] donapos;t fuck with us.

after work today, my mom and i went to rockland again. we had to get stuff to make my brotherapos;s boy scout cakes with. Cooper is making a caterpiller cake, and cody is making a monster cake. Theyapos;re gonna be so cute. I canapos;t wait to help them with it. Oh fuck. I donapos;t know what else to say. When we got home i called travis up and talked to him for a while. He was happy because johnson won the race haha. He gets so excited about nascar. Itapos;s cute. :] oh, i found out what days i work at MRC today. I work on my birthday, and i also work the day of kimapos;s wedding. :[ iapos;m really bummed about that. Mostly about kimapos;s wedding because i really wanted to go. Oh well, i guess.

yeah, anyway. Iapos;m gonna go talk to travis for a little bit, take my hair out of this towel, pluck my eyebrows, and get ready for bed i hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.

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brangus bulls in texas

Itapos;s such a beautiful day outside

Iapos;m this close to doing my homework by the pool. LOL.

You know, work on tanning my legs or something. Ahahahaha...

In any case, there is this group project concerning Non-Newtonian liquids... Well, weapos;ll put it this way I have one class where we have to present as a group of teachers to a group of say, kindergarteners, 18-24 mo. Olds, etc (that would be a portion of our classmates participating as such) and doing a science lesson. (A social studies lesson will be later). And well, weapos;re doing this thing with cornstarch and water--itapos;s CRAZY.

Have any of you ever done it? Itapos;s so weird... If you ball it up, it stays a solid. Let go, it turns back to liquid. Eeee. @__@

But fun. :)

Anyway, one of Jenapos;s roommates, Ed, is "into the same dorky things" (as Jen puts it) as me, so I borrowed Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (always wanted to see it), Casshern (was lent that in high school but never got around to watching it), and this American manga called King City. So yay, just what I needed XDDD

So anywho, I better get crack-a-lackinapos;.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

cabrera let our ryan take time

Sooo today was awesome. Even though it was boring. Me and Andy had a few interesting conversations. Lmao, talking about nipple sizes and inhaling helium. Dude i really fucking miss dating him:/ but iapos;ve gotta hold through ittt. Tomorrow im supposed to be going to universal, but iapos;m not sure if im gonna go noww. Everyone in my house is sickk. And i think im catching itt. Hopefully nott. Im trying to stay above the weather hereee.
Uhmm yah so thats my life todayyxDD

Peace neeegaaa.

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dorathea dix

Kelsey Trester, whore much? Who says you canapos;t flirt with EVERY GUY in the whole entire school? WE DO Well obviously Kelsey Trester disagrees. Joy Lester LOOOOVES Zack Smith, whoever said sheapos;s a suckup BITCH,�(which she is by the way) she can like a skate rat too Aiden Moore, desperate to hang out with Kelsey and her gang? I think so�
Sophia J. KNOWS WHAT CUM TASTES LIKE what a skank it tastes like salty butter, wtf?

Salina Perez and Daniel Solis, still going strong
Gisela and Ernie, not sure, shes too much of a whore to know.
Gabe and Sabrina Garcia? maybe.
Rachel A. And whats his name? Michael something.

camber speaker, dorathea dix.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

battery operated cat toy

Just back from the dentist. A far back molar was bothering me when I had my checkup at the beginning of the month, and the dentist determined it needed a crown. Two weeks ago, when she ground away and installed the epoxy temporary, she said that for reasons of thinness, that it might need a gold one, but that I always wanted ceramic. I told her that actually, it made no difference to me--Iapos;m not someone with a toothy smile, and I have to force a false grin even to make my front teeth visible. Iapos;ve always been amused by the effort she makes to match the color of my teeth with epoxy fillings that only she will ever actually see. So I said she should use her best professional judgement in choosing the material for this crown.

Secretly, I admit, the idea of gold always seemed kind of cool to me, in an ooh-shiny way, and if Iapos;m going to have to have a prosthetic tooth anyway, why not make it a cool metal.

So now I have a gold tooth. But donapos;t bother trying to spot it. Itapos;s way the heck in back and entirely inconspicuous--Itapos;s about as public as my uvula.

But if anyone robs my grave (though Iapos;d actually prefer cremation--not that it matters. I wonder if the crown would melt, or if it would be just mixed intact with the charred bone and tooth fragemnts), theyapos;ll at least get to recycle some valuable metal out of the corpse.

All I ask is that I be dead before they rip it out.
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Why havenapos;t you come out to play?� You donapos;t like me anymore?� I�thought you really liked me.

Is this because of your big sis?� Itapos;s not my fault sheapos;s such a wimp.� Itapos;s her fault she jumped like that and broke her arm again.� Got poisoned, too, didnapos;t she?� Heard sheapos;s been reeeeeealy sick.� Thatapos;s so funny

Hey, Iapos;m a medic� Why donapos;t you come and find me?� Maybe I can help~�

Youapos;d be�more fun to play with than that jerk Cloud.� And Iapos;m so bored.� Why wonapos;t anyone play with me?

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

colonial williamsburg photo

I�havenapos;t felt this content in ages.

Backing up, I was a little upset that my momapos;s taking my car down to DC this weekend due to one of her headlights being kinda dim. Sarcastic woohoo. Then this morning she called me to ask if I�would be nice enough to spare some make up even though she never wears makeup. Oooookay. Drove down there and gave her the one palette that I donapos;t really wear. Whatevs. Decided to go to Target to maybe pick up a controller for my computer to play the Nintendo games on my computer and maybe buy that new Kirby game... Then I decided not to. Donapos;t know why.

Leaving the store, I realized that the Target had a Starbucks. Hmmm. Idea. Get latte. Be happy. Good choice. The whole ride home I�was completely complacent. Although I�wish I bought a bigger size....

I wish it would rain already.

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